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우용식 대표원장



위/대장내시경, 당뇨병, 고혈압, 고지혈증, 갑상선 질환,

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* 우리베스트내과의원 대표 원장

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* 대한임상순환기학회 정회원

* 대한임상초음파학회 정회원

우용식 논문, 저서

1. Preoperative EUS-guided FNA: effects on peritoneal recurrence and survival in patients with pancreatic cancer.
Kim SH, Woo YS, Lee KH, Lee JK, Lee KT, Park JK, Kang SH, Kim JW, Park JK, Park SW.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2018 Dec;88(6):926-934. PMID: 29981302 
2. Predictors of Malignancy in "Pure" Branch-Duct Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas without Enhancing Mural Nodules on CT Imaging: A Nationwide Multicenter Study.
Kim TH, Woo YS, Chon HK, Hwang JH, Yoo KS, Lee WJ, Lee KH, Lee JK, Dong SH, Park CH, Park ET, Moon JH, Kim HG, Cho KB, Kim HJ, Lee SO, Cheon YK, Lee JM, Park JW, Kim MH.
Gut Liver. 2018 Sep 15;12(5):583-590. PMID: 29730906 
3. Efficacy of EUS-guided and ERCP-guided biliary drainage for malignant biliary obstruction: prospective randomized controlled study.
Park JK, Woo YS, Noh DH, Yang JI, Bae SY, Yun HS, Lee JK, Lee KT, Lee KH.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2018 Aug;88(2):277-282. PMID: 29605722 
4. [Trend in the Eradication Rates of Helicobacter pylori Infection Over the Last 10 Years in West Gyeonggi-do, Korea: A Single Center Experience].
Park JS, Park JE, Oh BS, Yoon BW, Kim HK, Lee JW, Kim NH, Cho WS, Woo YS, Jahng J, Kim YS.
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2017 Nov 25;70(5):232-238. PMID: 29161792
5. Evidence from a familial case suggests maternal inheritance of primary biliary cholangitis.
Shin S, Moh IH, Woo YS, Jung SW, Kim JB, Park JW, Suk KT, Kim HS, Hong M, Park SH, Lee MS.
World J Gastroenterol. 2017 Oct 21;23(39):7191-7197. PMID: 29093628 
6. Comparison of 22-gauge standard fine needle versus core biopsy needle for endoscopic ultrasound-guided sampling of suspected pancreatic cancer: a randomized crossover trial.
Noh DH, Choi K, Gu S, Cho J, Jang KT, Woo YS, Lee KT, Lee JK, Lee KH.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jan;53(1):94-99. PMID: 29065734 
7. Postoperative changes of liver enzymes can distinguish between biliary stricture and graft rejection after living donor liver transplantation: A longitudinal study.
Woo YS, Lee KH, Lee KT, Lee JK, Kim JM, Kwon CHD, Joh JW, Kang D, Cho J.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Oct;96(40):e6892. PMID: 28984750 
8. 22G versus 25G biopsy needles for EUS-guided tissue sampling of solid pancreatic masses: a randomized controlled study.
Woo YS, Lee KH, Noh DH, Park JK, Lee KT, Lee JK, Jang KT.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2017 Dec;52(12):1435-1441. PMID: 28893106 
9. Clinical Approach to Incidental Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasm in Outpatient Clinics.
Woo YS, Lee KT.
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jul 25;70(1):13-20. PMID: 28728311 
10. Epigastric symptoms of gallbladder dyskinesia mistaken for functional dyspepsia: Retrospective observational study.
Jung SW, Joo MS, Choi HC, Jang SI, Woo YS, Kim JB, Park SH, Lee MS.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Apr;96(16):e6702. PMID: 28422887 
11.Autoimmune Pancreatitis Complicated With Pancreatic Ascites, Pancreatic Ductal Leakage, and Multiple Pseudocyst.
Heo WG, Kim TH, Kim YJ, Chon HK, Woo YS, Sohn YW.
Pancreas. 2017 Jan;46(1):e10-e11. PMID: 27977636 
12. The Combination of Cyst Fluid Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Cytology and Viscosity Increases the Diagnostic Accuracy of Mucinous Pancreatic Cysts.
Oh SH, Lee JK, Lee KT, Lee KH, Woo YS, Noh DH.
Gut Liver. 2017 Mar 15;11(2):283-289. PMID: 27609484 
13. Development of a scoring system for differentiating IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis from primary sclerosing cholangitis.
Moon SH, Kim MH, Lee JK, Baek S, Woo YS, Cho DH, Oh D, Song TJ, Park DH, Lee SS, Seo DW, Lee SK.
J Gastroenterol. 2017 Apr;52(4):483-493. PMID: 27470434 
14. Lipoma-induced colonic intussusception in mobile cecum syndrome.
Lee SY, Kim YS, Woo YS, Jahng J, Oh JT.
Turk J Gastroenterol. 2017 Jan;28(1):65-66. PMID: 28007681 
15. SpyGlass cholangioscopy-assisted guidewire placement for post-LDLT biliary strictures: a case series.
Woo YS, Lee JK, Noh DH, Park JK, Lee KH, Lee KT.
Surg Endosc. 2016 Sep;30(9):3897-903. PMID: 26684207 
16.Endoscopic Findings of Enteropathy-Associated T-Cell Lymphoma Type II: A Case Series.
Hong YS, Woo YS, Park G, Lee K, Kang SH, Lee HW, Kim ER, Hong SN, Chang DK, Kim YH, Rhee PL, Kim JJ.
Gut Liver. 2016 Jan;10(1):147-51. PMID: 26260757 
17. Behavior of Small, Asymptomatic, Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (NF-PNETs).
Jung JG, Lee KT, Woo YS, Lee JK, Lee KH, Jang KT, Rhee JC.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Jul;94(26):e983. PMID: 26131843 
18. Novel flower-type covered metal stent to prevent cholecystitis: experimental study in a pig model.
Woo YS, Lee KH, Lee JK, Noh DH, Park JK, Lee KT, Jang KT.
Surg Endosc. 2016 Mar;30(3):1141-5. PMID: 26123330 
19. [Optimal Operational Definition of Patient with Peptic Ulcer Bleeding for Big Data Analysis Using Combination of Clinical Characteristics in a Secondary General Hospital].
Lee JW, Kim HK, Woo YS, Jahng J, Jin YR, Park JH, Kim YS, Jung HY.
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2016 Aug 25;68(2):77-86. PMID: 27554214 
20. Comparison of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with papillary biopsy and endoscopic ultrasound-guided pancreatic biopsy in the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis.
Jung JG, Lee JK, Lee KH, Lee KT, Woo YS, Paik WH, Park DH, Lee SS, Seo DW, Lee SK, Kim MH.
Pancreatology. 2015 May-Jun;15(3):259-64. PMID: 25891790 
21. Endoscopic nasogallbladder drainage in patients with acute cholecystitis: what's predictive factor for technical success?
Woo YS, Lee JK.
Gut Liver. 2015 Mar;9(2):141-2. PMID: 25721000 
22. Is colonoscopy necessary after computed tomography diagnosis of acute diverticulitis?
Kim MJ, Woo YS, Kim ER, Hong SN, Chang DK, Rhee PL, Kim JJ, Lee SJ, Kim YH.
Intest Res. 2014 Jul;12(3):221-8. PMID: 25349596
23. Role of SpyGlass peroral cholangioscopy in the evaluation of indeterminate biliary lesions.
Woo YS, Lee JK, Oh SH, Kim MJ, Jung JG, Lee KH, Lee KT.
Dig Dis Sci. 2014 Oct;59(10):2565-70. PMID: 24788322 
24. Hepatolithiasis in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease treated by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).
Lee JY, Dong SH, Woo YS, Jang JY, Kim HJ, Kim BH, Chang YW, Chang R.
Dig Liver Dis. 2009 Aug;41(8):609. PMID: 18804422 
25. Unusual presentation of cystic lymphangioma of the gallbladder.
Woo YS, Joo KR, Kim KY, Oh WT, Kim YH.
Korean J Intern Med. 2007 Sep;22(3):197-200. PMID: 17939338 
26. Pancreatitis from metastatic small cell lung cancer successful treatment with endoscopic intrapancreatic stenting.
Woo JS, Joo KR, Woo YS, Jang JY, Chang YW, Lee J 2nd, Chang R.
Korean J Intern Med. 2006 Dec;21(4):256-61. PMID: 17249510 
공동 저자 : Autoimmune Pancreatitis, Springer, 2014, Editors, Terumi Kamisawa, Jae Bock Chung
















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